(I know the jersey is the wrong color, but I had to throw Michael a bone and buy it for Joseph)
I went to my MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting this morning. I made Lemon Creamcheese Coffee Cake from the Shaw Family Cookbook that I will be posting later. But this post is not about delicious food...although I can tell you that it was delightful and I did not bring any home. We had a "Mom Mentor" panel at the meeting this morning consisting of moms of all ages from moms with grown chicldren and grandchildren and moms with toddlers and teenagers. They answered questions ranging from potty training and discipline to how they made time for themselves. They all had really differing views and advice and it was really nice to have insight from others who have been there. I know I'm a newbie and haven't begun to tackle a lot of the issues with raising a good Christian boy. One lady sitting next to me raised her hand to ask a question and broke down in tears. Her husband had left her and her 3 little children (don't know the ages, but I know they are 3 years apart). He wasn't helping her support the children right now and she had to move in with her dad who then kicked her out because they had a disagreement over discipling her kids. She is living with her former in laws and, of course, had to go back to work. None of us could offer her a ton of advice other than to pray and have faith that the Lord will take care of her. It made me very thankful for Michael. He may not pick up his Mountain Dew cans and they may pile up on the counters waiting on him to take them out. We may not always agreen on how to raise Joseph, but he loves me and he loves our son with everything he has. I should thank the Lord every minute for my family. So, that's all for today.
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