I don't know that I would ever call myself a "runner." Michael would say I'm much more of a "shuffler." I like to try though and since people wouldn't know what shuffling is, I will say that I run. I have kind of a love-hate relationship with running as I am sure most people can relate to. It seems that I can never go more than a year of running without something happening to make me have to stop. Last July 4th, I hurt my hip during a 5K race. I had been training really hard (running 30+ miles a week) and I was watching my diet because even with all that running, I had put on quite a bit of extra weight. I was posting my best ever times up until just after the 2 mile marker when I felt a sharp pain in my hip. I stopped and walked for a bit, but I was determined to finish this race with a decent time...so I made myself keep going. I ended up finishing in 38 minutes or so. After I crossed the finish line, I found Michael and told him that we had to go home that instant. He had finished much earlier than me...he's just fast like that...makes me sick. Anyway, I was diagnosed with a strained hip flexor and also found out that I was pregnant. When I went to physical therapy, my therapist also found out that my pelvis had slipped and was tilted. I wondered why this happened and my therapist believed that it was a combination of overtraining and dieting while not knowing I was pregnant. After many weeks of physical therapy, I was much better, but by this time, I was advised not to run anymore until after the baby was born since it had been a couple of months with little activity and I was now almost 12 weeks.
Well, I have started up running again. I am starting VERY slowly. The training program I am using is for beginners...and that is what I feel like now. I feel like my body is completely different and while I have been running off and on for a few years, my body is newbie. First things first, I bought some new kicks. Check em' out:

Very bright, huh? They make me look fast! JK. I doubt anything would make me look fast, but I like them. They are designed for flat footed people like me. I found out I've been using the wrong shoes the whole time. These are the ones that go with the Nike+ chip and I run with my ipod. I like to have gadgets...keeps me motivated.
The other thing that keeps me motivated:

My running buddy, Shelby. I can't even touch my shoes without him almost jumping out of his skin with excitement. He looks all depressed in this picture...probably because he wants to go for a run. He's the best running partner ever...he never runs off and leaves me...unlike someone I know...I won't name names....Michael. Of course, Shelby is on a leash, so he can't leave me. Lord knows he would. Shelby is crazy fast....in a circle...or until he smells something interesting. You would have to know him.
My comeback race is the same one I got hurt in last year: The Great Buffalo Chase 5K at Buffalo Trace Distillery on July 3rd. I won't be running. I will be walking with the rugrat in the stroller. Michael will be running.....Shelby will be at home. No dogs allowed. :'(
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