Thursday, May 30, 2013

A few updates

I realized that I didn't post an update on my weight loss this week. I'm a bit late but I lost a half pound. I'm pretty happy with that since last Friday was our anniversary and we went all out food wise and then there were a few meals that weren't the best over the weekend.

Joseph started summer camp thus week. It's at a local church and is 4 hours every Wednesday until the end of June. Let me tell you, it was 4 hours of bliss thus week. James napped when we got back from dropping jo jo off. The house was so quiet and peaceful. It does the mind good. Joseph had a blast and loves the sunflower he made out of a paper plate. He starts t ball next week. I hope he likes it.

James is no longer exclusively nursing. We weighed him this week and his growth chart has leveled out. The same kind of thing happened to Joseph about this age. I decided to try to give him a bottle of formula...thinking he would refuse it....and he drank that sucker down. He seems happier now as well. I guess even with taking massive amounts of fenugreek and power pumping to increase my supply, it just wasn't enough. I am a bit sad about it...even though I've never been a huge lover of bfeeding. But I also feel free. No more running back home to feed James....someone else can do that.

I discovered during my run today that I still can't wear shorts to run....even with friction block. I had a very painful 4 mile run...was supposed to be longer but I cut it short. I guess I will stick to my capris from now on. Is there anything worse than your clothes holding you back?

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