Monday, September 13, 2010

Patriotic 5K Fun Run!

The whole family (minus the cats...they aren't much for running as you can imagine..) ran in the Patriotic 5K Fun Run in Frankfort. How fun was it? Well, it was pretty fun...for a run. It was nice since a few people from the gym I go to were there and so there was more than just my usual cheering crew of one (Michael). I didn't run a whole lot...the road that most of the race was run on had been torn up for repaving and was rougher than a cob! Even in the very nice Baby Jogger that my friend had loaned me, Joseph was bouncing around a whole lot and was not digging it. Not to say that I could have run that much more anyway. I'm usually pretty draggy for evening 5Ks...I'm a morning person.

Joseph and Shelby are ready to go...Joseph is having a pre-race snack:
"This Baby Jogger is tasty..."

Me and the munchkin post race:
Joseph actually finished ahead of me...imagine that!! I was going to run across the line backwards, but the last stretch was up a hill and I didn't feel like getting that fancy. Everyone else (Michael and Shelby) can beat me so why not Joseph! :)

Family portrait....sweaty, red faced family portrait!
You can see the race results here! I think Michael (& Shelby) finished 82nd and Joseph and I finished 130th. I think there were around 170 runners/walkers. I think my next one is going to be the Secretariat Big Red 5K on October 2nd. It should have a pretty cool t-shirt!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I hate evening races too. I am just so used to running in the morning without much in my stomach. I always feel tired on evening races. Running with a baby jogger is hard, isn't it!?!
