OK, so I've been a bum when it comes to the blogging thing lately. I've been quite busy and it's summer...so I just tend to spend less time staring at a computer screen. I have lots of good stuff to blog about...I'm going to try to get some stuff posted this week. I thought I would start here...with the gift Michael got me for our 3rd anniversary:
Then the summer issue of Valley Vet came in the mail. I perused it to see what new tack had been added. I saw a headstall with green crystals that I just knew was the one. I told Michael about it...showed it to him..threw hints....everything. There was also another one with red and blue crystals that was gorgeous as well...but more expensive...so I overlooked it. Well, when Michael was ordering the gift, he wanted me to look at it and make sure it was the right one. It was the one with the red and blue crystals...not the green one. I told him to hold up for a second. I sat and studied and studied the headstalls...and mulled over which one would look best on Spice....and which one would look best on the most colors of horses since I won't have Spice forever. FINALLY, I settled on the red and blue one as you can tell. The other one had brass hardware on it when I looked at it up close and that just didn't fly well with me.
My bridle stands out a bit in the tackroom now:

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