Hazelnut Twists
Now, it doesn’t get any easier than this. While these look all fancy smancy, they are nothing more than nutella and hazelnuts sandwiched between two layers of crescent rolls, cut, twisted, and baked in muffin tins.
I baked these last weekend while we were at my parents. We had them for breakfast, but I think they would make a great snack or even dessert. I got the recipe out of my Pillsbury cookbook 2003 (of course I did…do I have any other cookbooks?)
Here’s what you need (makes 8):
2 cans crescent rolls (or the baking sheets…you know basically crescent rolls without the perforations)
½ c nutella (or other hazelnut and cocoa spread)
½ c chopped hazelnuts (filberts)
Roll out one can of rolls and press perforations to seal (see why the baking sheets are handy?)
Mix nutella and chopped nuts
Spread on dough sheet to within ¼ inch of outer edge.
Roll out 2nd crescent roll sheet and press perforations to seal.
Lay 2nd sheet on top of spread mixture.
Seal edges.
Cut lengthwise into 8 strips.
Twist each strip onto itself into a coil and then plop twist into a greased muffin tin.
Bake at 375 for 15 to 20 minutes.
I thought they were fantastic, but I tend to be obsessed with all things containing nutella.
I loved these!!! I can attest to the fact that they are definitely great for a snack also...