Thursday, June 23, 2011

Garden Update

It’s been about 2 months since we planted our little backyard garden. I would love to say that it has flourished, but I would be lying. I think this is going to be a learning year and I will be happy if we get anything much out of it. I don’t know why I thought I would be good at gardening….I stink at keeping houseplants alive. I’m much better at animals. Don’t ever believe that if you can’t keep a plant alive that you shouldn’t have a pet….they are much different.

I do have a tomato that is already turning pink…so that is a good thing. And my cherry tomato started putting on little tomatoes over the weekend. So YAY!

We had some bird/varmit issues and had to put up a scarecrow. Just about all our carrot plants, all of our lettuce and spinach and a good bit of the radishes were damaged. L But we haven’t had any problems with that since putting up the scarecrow. I’ve thrown some miracle grow on it a couple of times and that has helped it out a lot as well.

I have added 4 pepper plants (green bell, fat n sassy bell, poblano, and banana). I wanted a jalapeño, but I couldn’t find one, so I put an acorn squash in its place. I have no idea if I like acorn squash but the nursery had a plant for $1, so I thought why not?

Anyway, here are some pictures of how our little garden is progressing….

My precious little bell pepper

The one shoe bandit loves to help water.

This little radish was plucked from the ground yesterday and a munchkin.

He really wants to pick the tomatoes....

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