It's been a super busy week here. We are still working on our living room. I have been painting trim all week...ugh! To make it even harder, the Munchkin likes to untape the trim about as quick as I tape it. I'm so ready to have this house back in order!!
On a a GREAT note...the Munchkin is back to a more regular schedule for now and is sleeping better at night. Michael started getting up with him when it wasn't time for him to eat and I guess he got the message that just because he wakes up and cries, he's not necessarily going to get fed. So yay for that!!
Anyway, I just wanted to put a quick post up. Hope everyone is having a great week!! I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving!!
Yay for sleep. We are doing better in that dept too...still not perfect, but I will take better!