I haven't posted in over a week, I do believe. I am going to try to get a couple posts done today. It's been a busy week in the Riddell household. We are trying to get ready for little Joseph's arrival. I am the type of person who always likes to be prepared. So, if this little guy decides to come 3 weeks early, I'm gonna be ready! I've got my bag packed for the hospital and after I get my car washed and cleaned out, we are going to install the car seat! I have just a couple things left to buy...I'm glad it's not much because take a look at the nursery right now:

It's filling up so quickly and the crib has become a catch-all for toys, etc.:

But all of those will go in the closet once Michael gets the closet set up like I want (will happen this weekend).
Take a look at this awesome blanket that my mom made:

LOVE IT! Thanks, mom!
Oh, and I bought this diaper bag off of etsy.com:

It's just too precious. It was really starting to depress me that all the baby stuff we are buying is made in China...it's nice to have a couple things that I know were made in the USA!
Our new bouncer seat:

The swing:

It is sooo soft. I can't believe that the cat hasn't been in it (that I've seen). Maybe she doesn't like to swing. She does think that this room is hers. Crazy cat.
My super cute humidifier:

I was going to get the pig one, but I would have to pay shipping since I could only find it online. I thought that was silly since I could pick this one up while at Babies R Us (I feel like I live at that store lately). So, we have a little Holstein cow. I was worried that Michael wouldn't go for this type of humidifier, but it turns out that these are ultrasonic or something which means that they are energy efficient. That was all he needed to hear. Now I've just got to get something to set it on (it feels like this room will never be done sometimes!).
I'm just so happy that my to-do list and shopping list is getting shorter! I do have to go to the grocery today though. I can't put it off any longer. Today will be the 3rd day this week that I have to go out to get lunch. That is not something that's easy to do when you work at UK. There are not any decent places to grab something within short walking distance and it is always a pain to find a parking spot when you get back. Another thing I won't miss about working here! :)
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