Friday, June 14, 2013

Choices, choices...

Hi, My name is Julie, and I am addicted to subscription boxes.

It started out simply enough about six months ago when a friend of mine of facebook mentioned Birchbox. I had never heard of it and went to check it out. A box of beauty samples delivered to my door monthly? I love samples. I frequently (or at least I did before Birchbox) shopped on I wouldn't get as excited about my purchases as I did about the free samples. So, since I'm not shopping at Sephora, I'm saving money, right? That's how I see it.

Anyway, it wasn't long after that I discovered Bluum boxes for babies and toddlers. I found a discount code and signed my boys up. I have since stopped the boxes for Joseph since he didn't seem to care about the things that they sent him. I think it was a bit young for him. I have found another that is craft based that I'm trying out.

I also have a couple of subscriptions to food boxes. I just started those and am anxious to check them out.

I also found another beauty box called Ipsy Glam Bag. It includes FULL SIZE products for the same price as Birchbox.

I decided that I need to pare it down. This week, I received both my Birchbox and my Glam Bag. I am comparing them and choosing ONE to continue with. Decisions. Decisions. I thought it was going to be easy to choose Glam Bag, but Birchbox threw me a curve this the form of some fabulous day glow green nail polish.

This month's Birchbox. It included nail polish, SPF moisturizer, face wash/exfoliator, lipstick, and body lotion.

This month's Glam Bag. Gel eyeliner, blush, glitter eye shadow, highlighter pencil, lip liner, and cute little cosmetics bag.
After looking at it though...even with the FANTASTIC nail polish, the scales are leaning heavily toward the Glam Bag. I can't wait to try all my stuff out! Well, I've already tried the nail polish...did I mention yet that I LOVE it?

When my food boxes arrive, I will let you know which one I choose...because I really can only keep one. Even though I would love to subscribe to all the boxes. It just makes me happy to get little packages in the mail.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE all these subscription boxes too! I used to get Birchbox, but when I found out about Ipsy, I switched- and am so glad I did. I like Ipsy a lot better. I used to get some food boxes too. They are so much fun!
