I ran in the Bourbon County Secretariat Festival Big Red 5K over the weekend. It was in Paris, KY which is almost an hour drive...that's a bit far for a morning 5K, but I really wanted to do it. Secretariat is my 2nd favorite race horse after all and Paris is a beautiful town. This was only the 3rd time this race has been held and the first time I've been able to run in it. In 2008, I was recovering from a broken ankle and in 2009 I was recovering from a strained hip flexor/pregnant. This year, I was perfectly well. It was a crisp cool morning. We had to bundle up the munchkin:

Michael did not run this time and was able to watch Joseph so that I could run. I couldn't borrow a jogger this time. I took Shelby with me:

He was so excited. I really held him back though. He should have been with the winner!
The last hill was just mean! We started the race at the bottom of it, so we weren't even able to run down it!

Headed toward the finish line:

Joseph and I sharing a post-race banana:

My goal was to finish in less than 40 minutes. My ipod said I did it in 36:56, but my official time was 37:10. Either way I met my goal. I even shaved over 5 minutes off my previous 5K time. To those of you who saw my facebook post saying that I had taken 9 minutes off my time, I had thought my previous time was 46, but I was wrong...it was 42:20. You can see the results
here. I placed 72nd out of 97. I was right though...the shirt is super cute and I also got a Secretariat movie poster, so I was pretty stoked! The next 5K is The Black Cat Chase on the 29th. The last time I ran it (2006), I did it in 37:02. I'm aiming to beat that this year!
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