I thought that I would post a few more things about the nursery today. It is no closer to being done since the last post. I'm waiting on the floor to get done....AKA waiting on Michael to get the floor done...and Michael is waiting on warmer weather (since he has to be outside to cut it) and a weekend when he doesn't have to work. Hopefully all will fall together soon. We did buy the flooring this weekend. Here is what it looks like:

It's called "Antique Oak" and we thought it looked like barn wood....so it would go with the whole barnyard theme. It also helped that it was very affordable and suposedly easy to install. We will see about that last part.
We also picked out the crib and changing table. We had one already in mind that we really liked and it was pretty cheap too...however, we went to Babies R Us and saw the crib in person...and well, it was just cheap. So we looked at all the rest of the cribs and furniture and settled on these 2 items:

The crib is one of those 4-in-1 things that the kid can keep through adulthood. It converts to a toddler bed, day bed, and full size bed.

The dresser is also a changing table. We had trouble finding a dresser/changer combo because, well, they were just too dang short. I'm 5'10" and Michael is 6', so we needed something a bit taller. This one could be a little taller, but it's good....and it should last a while and the kid will need a dresser.

Here is the bedding that we settled on. It's so stinkin cute! Each animal is a different texture on the comforter. There was one I actually liked better, but WOWZA was it expensive! I also liked this one because it has little RED tractors on the sheets....not those green and yellow ones. Michael actually liked a sports-themed one best, and pitched a fit that we couldn't have done a sports theme and used that bedding.....I asked where that idea was when we decided on a barnyard theme. It took me long enough to get him to even GO to Babies R Us with me. Once he was there, he said his face was hurting because he couldn't stop smiling. Baby stuff IS pretty cute for the most part. He's still not very exciting about the registering part, so I pretty much did all that on my own. I kind of understand....How exciting can registering for things like "burp cloths" be? Not very. He doesn't think that we will be getting any gifts much anyway. I told him that we could use it as a checklist if that was the case...because this isn't like when we got married....when we registered for things that we WANTED or were just NICER than what we had...this time, we NEED the stuff. I mean, the baby HAS to wear clothes and NEEDS toys for enrichment, and HAS to be fed and burped and changed, etc. I guess we'll learn more about that at our "Baby Basics" class this Thursday. We went through our childbirth class this past Saturday. It had some good information in it. Who knew there was so much learning to do?
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