Yes, I have Christmas fever. I'm just ready to skip Thanksgiving all together! I'm not going to, of course. I'm looking forward to eating too much! I'll put more about my Thanksgiving meal in another post.
Anyway, I am so ready for Christmas. Maybe it's because my Christmas last year was an epic fail. I mean, it was great and all, but I just didn't feel very Christmasy. I didn't even put out our outdoor lights and I only sent Christmas cards to A-L people on my list. I guess that is what happens when you are defending your thesis in mid-December. I vowed that this year would make up for it. Maybe that is why I am so in the Christmas spirit. As I type this, I am listening to Christmas music on iTunes.
I bought an issue of Real Simple magazine this weekend and fell in love with the following floral idea:

Yesterday, I was at JoAnn's Fabric Store getting some cross stitch floss (I'm always running out of white!!), and I noticed that they had Christmas floral 40% off. Score! I remembered that
I have some Mint Julep cups at home that I used at our wedding. I bought 2 bunches of white poinsettas (I know the real kind would look better, but I have a cat that loves to eat flower type things, so I try to keep ones that will make her sick out of the house) and 2 bunches of small green poinsettas. I love that you can find really nice realistic flowers!

For this project, I used one bunch of white and one of green. I used small wire pliers to cut this stems to about 4 inches. My julep cups are about 4 or 5 inches deep. I'll use the other flowers in another project.

I didn't have any floral foam, but not to worry....I used some marbles and filled the cups about 3/4 full. This also added some nice weight so that my bumbling cat, Daysie will have more trouble knocking these over. Of course, Daysie isn't supposed to be on the table, but those of us who know cats, know that doesn't matter once you leave the house!

I started out simply with 2 white flowers. I thought this was gorgeous by itself.

I took that same arrangement and placed 2 green flowers among the whites. I loved this pop of color. I love anything green though.

I did three arrangements total and placed them in a group on a red placemat in the center of our kitchen table.

View from above....
I have a feeling that a few decorations are going to be spontaneously appearing over the next week until I can "officially" decorate next Friday. The most exciting will be "re"discovering what I bought after Christmas last year! Fun!
Don't they look festive!! I'll forgive you for not waiting until Thanksgiving is over...