Thursday, January 26, 2012

Not quite heavenly...

The house smells like perfume.

I don't know if Joseph thought that the house stunk tonight...
it wouldn't be beyond possibility.

Maybe he thought I stunk.....
I hadn't had my shower yet.

Maybe he wanted to smell all womanly....
his father would love that.

But whatever the reason, while I was fixing his pre-bedtime snack, Joseph snatched up a bottle of perfume and started squirting. I started smelling something that smelled nice at first...then I realized what it was and ran to grab my bottle of Victoria's Secret Heavenly from Joseph and took him to the sink to rinse him off. To add insult to injury, he has JUST gotten out of the bath. How he got the perfume, I don't know. He's a little Houdini when it comes to stuff like that....he seems to make it materialize. But let's just say, it doesn't smell so Heavenly....

This child is a mess a minute. Earlier he had a piece of sidewalk chalk (his art instrument of choice) and decided to try it out on the wall...for one, it's just chalk, and for two, it's about the same color as the wall, so I didn't freak out. But I didn't want him to try out eyeliner or something on the wall, so I told him "No, not on the wall." So he went to another wall and made a little mark and looked at me. Again, "No, not on the wall." He went to another section of wall and looked at me...."No, not on the wall." On and on...Then he tried to color the dog with it. I told him if he could work with a moving canvas, more power to him. I asked him if he wanted paper. He said, "no." Thankfully chalk is easy to get off of pretty much everything. I was talking to another mom at gymnastics today and her daughter has just started coloring on the walls and I was helping her out with cleaning solutions. She was having trouble with eyeliner. Been there....that's one of J's weapons...err art supplies...of choice. Baby oil will take that off pretty much any hard surface. I am quickly becoming a cleaning expert.

Well, I've got a movie to watch and laundry to fold. Later!

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